How To Save 10% On Every Order At
If you have 2 minutes to read this letter,
I guarantee you 10% savings.
Should you get a membership? The answer may surprise you.
Costs are going up everywhere on most eveything you purchase. Higher gas prices alone are eating
away at margins for everyone too. It does little good to worry about the future when you can be seeking
solutions to these higher prices today.'s Membership is the ideal solution.
5 high cost beating benefits for you include 10% Storewide Discount*, FREE Printz CD($34.99 Value),
Earlybird Notice On New Products, Private Deals Not Available to the General Public, and you get First
Access To Clearance Items. You can order your membership at the low price of $34.99. Included is the
PrintZ CD. The CD itself has a retail value of $34.99.
It's easy to become a member!
At the bottom of this page you will be able to add your membershp today. And each time you login
to your account on the website you will instantly see your "Members Only" discounted pricing just
below the regular price. And a special web page link where you sign up for the "Members Only Newsletter."
It is through this newsletter that we will stay in touch with you to provide the additional member benefits.
These benefits include first access to new Clearance items, Earlybird notice on brand new products at
the website and many Private Deals in store for members only. So you won't want to miss signing up
for the newsletter with your membership!
And yes, members receive 10% Storewide Discount* off all retail pricing. The question you need to
consider is, why keep spending more money with the ever increasing costs everywhere?
Think about that for a bit.
Saving 10% each time you make a purchase with PrintOnIt will be comforting. You will know you are
getting a great price on every order and the additional savings will ease the pressure. That is comforting!
Thank You,
Marlo Anderson
PS - The introductory membership price is $24.99 through the month of June. Just one more bit of savings
I can offer you right now. Below you will be able to add your membership.
*10% Discount does not apply to Heat Presses or Heat Press Accessories.